Friday, October 17, 2008

Hi writer,

Your essay is Excellent and awesome!  I love it.  I
have some suggestions and attach here with more
informations.  Please have a look and let me know.

The critique part is done excellent!  But please do
recheck the marking guide part again to make sure
every part has been achieved in the paper. I will
rewrite here and you can check again.

1st part - Introduction    5%
2nd part - Selection of articles to support and focus
on topic of inquiry.       5%
3rd part - Overview of research    20%
4th part - Critique and Interpretation    20%
5th part - Application of findings to practice  10%
6th part - Conclusion 5%
7th part - awarded marks for overall structure of your
paper i.e development of logical argument and use of
appropriate section headings.    5%

Yea also 2 more articles needed to be critiqued too.
So don't worry about too many words first.  I can cut
down to 3000 words later.

Please recheck the parts marks again, 2 more critque
articles discussed, and put more focus to discuss
about the research sample size, what is the flaw of
these samples.  Let my marker know I also understand
the concept of these things.

Anyways, it is very a satisfactory critical review.

I attach you with some suggestions and please help me
change in the article.

All the best,

W. R., Los Angeles, USA

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