Hi This is ....... here. My tutor just send me email to make me an appointment for final meeting at 26th OCT. She couldnt read through the whole work now, but any way that she said all the basic structures need to be done. like I said about the Methodology part be4. It has to be split as Methodology and method as 2 different parts. The paper we done, Methodology there is more likely a method. The question design, data analysis blah blah. was good tho, but still I need the methodology, which need to talk about what kind of research method you gonna use qualitative research or quantitative? or Both? I know we bit more on qualitative. But there needs to be reasons why choose qualitative but not quantitative(by the way, most qualitative research not done by questionnaires, but interview people; focus group stuff). So what we have to explain, what kind of research we gonna use, why is that? why is that good for our research? and How you gonna do it? questionning people? why? meet them ? why? no need foucs group? why? blahblah.... May be you can read through the example that I sent to you last time. it would help a lot. So we really need some work and Methodology and method like I talked about above. I know you doing a great job, but this method, needs to be with methodology that I talking about, otherwise, it is the way too short in the whole paper. So please, read throught the good example of proposal( the methodology part) and put some work my paper. Dont have to be too long as many words, but we need this. And still, a suitability of research will be needed in the paper as well. as the example that i sent to you in the previeous email. and a time and project management if it s possible, got example sent to you already as well. for these two part, it wont be so hard for you, only short part tho. And really, I will need them be4 27th, cuz that I will have time to read it. S. F., Hong Kong |