Dear Vic: I am so thankful for your quick reply. I am amazed on the well written essay and you have done so much research on this. I am sure I will need your help in my other assignments as well as the disertation. However, would you mind to change some of the contents. ........... Because ...... is a real facility, I just want to reflect the reality as much as possible. I do really like your ending (towards the end) the expected outcomes which are really the ..... spirits. I would appreciate if you could modify above at your earliest convenience. By the way, sometime last week or the week before, I did ask for your help in the thesis statements, is this something that I can find on your website or you will email me. It is above Corporate Governance on Non Prift Organization if you can remember. Once again thanks a lot for your help. Your piece is really a high standard one. J. K. Dubai, United Arab Emirates |