Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dear Vic Fabe,
Greetings!  Thank you very much for the nice paper and I have read it very carefully and very much impressed by the way of doing it.  The whole paper is admirable and many thanks to you and writer as well (ACT).  She really works hard and put her efforts in it.
There are couple of things to amend it.  As I had directed in my instructions that CASE STUDY and its 3 questions must consists of 2500 words and I counted the words only answer they are about to 2700 words instead 2500.
Secondly, SECTION B. QUESTION NO.3 the answer must be comprises on 1750 words and I counted the words and the answer is about to 1784 words instead of 1750.
ThirdLY, SECTION B. QUESTION NO. 5 the answer again be comprises on 1750 words and I counted the words and the answer is about to 1765 words instead of 1750.
You are requested to look carefully in this matter and solved it promptly as the writer has done very well just short it according to the words limit.  Your efforts in this regard will be highly appreciated.
I. O. Los Angeles, California

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